#I’mWithBritney: The Day Britney Spears Became President




This is an excerpt from a nonsense novel I’m writing, “I’m With Britney, A Hillary Clinton Memoir, Ghostwritten by Judah Martin”


She’s So Lucky: Inside the Inauguration of the Century

Some have said that I was jealous as I stood in the inauguration crowd. Some have suggested that the frightening, lifeless  grins and limp handshakes I offered that day were merely half-hearted attempts to mask some deep, unexpressed rage. After all, it was my third time running for the presidency and my third time losing. Each loss had been unexpected, politically damaging and, of course, painful. Writers, politicians, network talking heads and a bunch of people on Facebook continue to speculate about how I- a former first lady, senator, secretary of state and three-time presidential candidate- continue losing to people less qualified and less experienced than I am. I know this, of course, because I have googled that exact question every day for the last 13 years. So far, nothing.

   But I was not jealous on that unseasonably warm day in January 2021 (climate change maybe?). I stood in the crowd not as a former first lady, not as a former secretary of state, not as the most qualified Democrat to run for the White House in modern history, but as an American citizen. I stood there because I felt it was my duty as a life-long public servant and as a supporter of democracy. Oh yeah, and I had just been sworn in as vice president.

Now, many people have asked me if I truly feel that Britney Spears is qualified to be the president but, since everyone knows that I probably lost my ability to definitively answer yes or no questions at some point in the early 90’s, I simply do my best to reassure people that being qualified to hold the highest office in our nation just, like, isn’t really that much of a thing anymore. Besides, this inauguration was every bit of the historic event that Barack Obama’s was in 2009. I truly felt proud of the transformation Britney had made from a talented but troubled young girl with a heavy southern accent to a confident, mature woman with not as much of an accent. (I mean, how does a thick southern accent just disappear like that? So weird.) Anyway, after meeting Britney I was just as eager as the most avid of Godney stans from the darkest depths of BreatheHeavy Exhale to see how her administration would unfold. I still remember how brilliantly President Britney’s hair extensions glistened in the afternoon sunlight as she raised her right hand to take the oath of office.

“I, Britney Jean Spears, do solemnly swear,…” she mouthed, her lips moving only slightly out of sync with the pre-recorded oath. “To uphold and protect the constitution, ya’ll.”

   Luckily, after that Trump inauguration debacle four years earlier, I had the foresight this time to make Bill wait outside in the car (I allowed him to keep one window rolled down, of course. I’m not a monster.) This time I was able to listen intently to the President’s speech without the distraction of having to constantly swat him over the head with a rolled-up newspaper to keep him from openly salivating at the sight of her breasts, which were presently heaving out of the designer pantsuit I allowed her to borrow for the occasion. Britney, who is still racking her brain to this day trying to figure out which 1980’s pop star I must be, is surprisingly fond of my fashion sense. I only wish I could talk her into wearing a more sensible hairdo.We pick our battles, I suppose.

The rest of the inauguration events commenced brilliantly- nothing like her 2007 VMA’s debacle. Instead of umbrella-wielding, shaved head Britney we were finally seeing yellow snake in a rain forest Britney again. No, I mean really. Her inaugural address was literally just them playing footage of when she did the snake thing. No speech at all.

Needless to say, the crowd went wild. Afterwards, much of the media would spend the next week analyzing the 2001 performance for clues about President Britney’s vision for the country. Was the rain forest theme perhaps a message about her agenda to tighten the lax environmental regulations of the Trump administration? Don Lemon sure thought so. Anyway, Britney felt inclined to offer a few words after the clip of her performance ended.

   “Oh my god, ya’ll!” she said into the mic with a surprising level of real emotion that probably no one had seen from her since In the Zone. “This is so cool. I just wanna thank Jesus and my producers and, like, all those old dudes in the funny wigs for starting America and i wanna thank my sons, Jayden and Preston from Instagram, and I guess K-Fed by extension. Oh, and all my fans out there who are still helping me live my dream, which I guess was to be president. This is such an honor, ya’ll, it’s really cool. ”

   With that, she strutted back to her place away from the podium next to the First Boy Toy, Justin Bieber, who offered his usual, squinty James Dean grimace to the cameras. I don’t think that he ever found his contact lenses during President Britney’s entire first term. But who had time to look for them? After four years of President Trump the country was in a mess like we had never seen before: the economy was near collapse, our former allies had begun to turn on us and there were still Cheeto stains all over the White House bath tub. If we were going to clean up the mess our country was in  (spoiler alert: we did) then we would have to seriously buckle down and make some Hard Choices (that’s my other book) about how to undo the damage inflicted by the previous administration.

   But that would have to wait until after inauguration, of course. It was Britney’s day to bask in all of the festive inaugural traditions and I wasn’t about to ruin it for her by reminding her of the hardships ahead. Shiiiiddd, I was trying to get fucked up that night, too.

   Later in the day, after accompanying Britney to the President’s Room to submit her cabinet nominations (actually my nominations tho) and to a subsequent luncheon, I ran into her again as she and the first boy toy were being escorted to their limousine.

   “Hey Hillary!” Britney was exuberant, running up to me and tossing both arms around my neck, nearly scorching my hair with the lit cigarette dangling between her fingers.

   “Britney” I gasped, trying to keep my composure despite the uneasiness I felt. “I’m like 100 now, I have to keep my health, please don’t smoke around me!”

   She looked saddened by my admonition.

   “I’m sorry,” she said. But then a light seemed to flicker in her eyes and suddenly she was bursting with excitement again. I have come to admire Britney’s enduring spirit, she reminds me not to let life’s difficulties crush me, either.

   “I eat really healthy now though!” she bragged, her jaw seeming to move at 60 mph as she chomped away at what I can only imagine is the same stick of bubble gum she’s been chewing since the Mickey Mouse Club. “They don’t let me eat cheetos anymore because my managers said if I get fat again they’ll kill me this time so I just drink frappuccinos and that’s it!”

   “Oh my god,” I said with a shudder. No woman should ever have to endure the pressures she has endured to always look perfect. I had felt those pressures too at her age, back when my speeches and advocacy as first lady were overshadowed in the media by my stupid haircuts. (It was the 90’s, what was I supposed to do?) I placed a sympathetic hand on President Britney’s shoulder and tried to assure her that I understood.

   “You’re so nice,” Britney said. “Do you think I’ll be as healthy as you if I quit smoking, Vice President?”

   “Hmm, vice president,” I said, smiling as I realized how much President Britney seemed to admire me. “Actually, healthy lungs are for losers. You should really be smoking way more to deal with the stress of running the country.”

   “Really,” asked a wide-eyed Britney. “Dang, that’s crazy! Is it really that stressful being president?”

   “Oh yes,” I assured her. I tried to sound sympathetic, remembering my own struggle to help Bill adjust to the unforeseen conflicts we endured in the White House. “Are those Lights? I’ll see if I can find you some stronger cigarettes.”

   “Oh, thanks,” she said crushing the rest of her cigarette under her Louis Vuitton pump. “I guess we better get going to the inaugural ball. Are ya’ll gonna ride with me and Justin in the limo? Where’s Bill?”

   “Oh shit….” I said, remembering that I had taken the helicopter with Britney after her address that morning instead of driving. That meant that Bill was still sitting in the car waiting for me to come out.

   “Um, so, little detour,” I instructed the limo driver after I had climbed into the back with Justin and Britney. “It’s a really funny story, actually.”

   “No problem,” said the driver. I returned to my seat, where i found Britney and Justin kissing and groping each other. With a heavy sigh I picked up the bottle of sizzurp that had fallen from the first boy toy’s pocket and took a long, hearty swig as I thought about the years ahead, eventually falling into a deep, fitful slumber.

    “Whitewater,” I muttered to myself as i began to doze. “Monica…Benghazi… Emails….Britney Jean..”


To be continued…


Written by: Judah Martin

Contact: judahmartin1993@gmail.com

Cotton Mather Does Weather Journaling: True Weather Observations From the Perspective of a 17th Century Puritan Evangelist

By Judah Martin

Friday, January 15, 2016

It has come to my attention that the Lord (by whom I mean my Geography instructor) hath entrusted me to bring ink to quill in order to document the wretched atmospheric devices that the Dark Ruler of the underworld Satan himself uses to corrupt the earth’s climate. It is my hope to use this journal in exposing the wicked ones who walk in our midst and do the bidding of Satan! Anyway, I am happy to report that today is a blessed day with no precipitation.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Lord punishes us with a sorrowful rain! Surely we have angered him! Also, couldn’t figure out how to turn on my clicker in class today. Went to the supe store to raise hell. Turns out I just had to pull the plastic thingy on the back. Who knew?

Thursday, January 28, 2016

What is this vile witchcraft that causes such wretched precipitation? The devil’s name is written on our walls with a blood-soaked quill!  Arrived to lecture completely soaked in the tear’s of our angry ancestors. Probably still having a better day than the person who passed out during lecture, however. I hope that they’re okay.

Friday, January 29, 2016

I bow my head in prayer to say thanks for a warm and pleasant day. How bountiful and loving is our atmosphere to provide us with such agreeable conditions! Satan is no match for such a God as ours!

Monday, February 1, 2016

I am told that the Great Flood like in the days of Noah threatens us again, only now there is no time to build an ark! I received what is called a campus weather alert warning me of God’s impending vengeance. Surely He is angry with us and is raising the dew point to cleanse us of our sins!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Lord hath blessed our stock with a fine balance of sunny weather sprinkled with only intermittent showers. I awoke around 10 a.m. to a dark sky and wasn’t surprised when, much like this past Thursday, it started to rain as I walked to lecture around 10:45 a.m. (I now associate Geography lecture with rain. I can’t prove it, but I think that our professor causes the rain. Or maybe it’s just low atmospheric pressure.) This rain was less severe, however, and when I left class around 12:15 p.m. the sky was sunny with bright clouds. If I had woke up then I would have had no idea that the earth’s people had been previously cursed with the ungodly burden of precipitation. Based on what we learned in class today, I assume the presence of such bountiful clouds is likely the reason that the rain gods extended us some mercy by only giving us a brief period of wimpy rain.

  -3:58 p.m. Walked outside for a cigarette and OMG what happened to the clouds?! They are now but grim semblances of their former glory and a bitter darkness dooms us all! Why hast thou atmospheric pressure forsaken us?!

  -10 p.m. The skies above Tuscaloosa pour out with a dangerous fury. THE PROPHECY HAS BEEN FULFILLED! I hear my roommate crying and saying his final goodbyes to his parents. He tries to muffle his cries but I know he is thinking the same as I, that a great flood awaits us and we are sure to face our doom!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What a merciful Weather God we serve, for we hath been spared! The sky is somewhat dark, perhaps it is still in mourning.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Blessed be! The weather on campus is sunny and the bountiful white clouds have returned alas, though I am met with a bone-chilling wind as i walk to and from lecture but, alas, ye must pick thy battles sayeth the Lord!

Thursday, February 25

The Lord is on my side this afternoon as I prepare to venture north to higher latitudes, for the temperature is rather pleasant. I wear a sweater but remove my jacket, as it as not as cold as the devil had tempted me to believe when I left my apartment. Alas, though, I fear the drop in temperature I will see as I travel North to the land of carnal sin that is Pittsburgh!

Friday, February 26, 2016

I journey east through West Virginia with a group of fellow students in the devil’s contraption that is called an Au-to-mo-bile. What a blasted machine that will surely facilitate the fall of mankind! Such is evident by the endless white flakes that fall from the sky and cast a dark and sleepy aura over this miserable province. I believe our geography instructor called these icy white particles “snow,” but i call them Satan’s teardrops!

Sunday, February 28

I am grateful to have made it out of the icy hell that is Pennsylvania! Indeed, I was delighted to find when i returned in the afternoon that the weather was much warmer and much more comfortable in Tuscaloosa, surely a sign of Divine Favor!


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I am still amazed that Mother Earth manages to be so suitably warm even when she was soaking wet! It rained slightly as I trudged along to lecture this morning, much to my chagrin, but I am thankful the rain was not heavier and that the temperature was not cold!


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The day is as ugly as Satan’s mistress! A gray pallor decorates my usually vibrant surroundings as I walk too and from class, ruining my shoes as I step over puddles left over from yesterday’s rain.


Saturday, March 5, 2016

The devil is up to something, for it is too warm and sunny outside for this pleasant weather to not be a trifling attempt from Lucifer himself to lure us as he lured Eve in the Garden of Eden! The temperature feels quite high, perhaps around 70, and I leave the house without a jacket.


Sunday March 6, 2016

An ever so subtle breeze envelops me as i sit outside writing about the devil’s influence in the New World. It is a perfect day to write, for it is too warm for witches to leave their homes, yet the breeze is too strong to allow airborne-broom travel.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Night sets in without a care, bringing with it a noticeable drop in temperature. I must leave my room at once to search for sustenance at the nearby Taco Bell, lest the Lord allow the temperature to drop again before I can eat!


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Yayy, again there was no rain to torment me today! **praises the Lord** Let us see what tomorrow will bring. The Lord snatcheth blessings as quickly as he giveth them!


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

What luck! Another beautiful day with warm temperatures around 70 or 80 degrees. The Lord prevails!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Our good luck streak has ended, for the cursed dew point was once again saturated by the foul will of Satan and his God-forsaken coven of witches and the sky poured rain upon us!


Saturday, March 12, 2016,

More rain! But thankfully less than yesterday. I must ask God for superpowers in order to pose a worthy opponent against Satan’s dewpoint!


Monday, March 14, 2016

The Lord has evidently sent my rain-fighting superpowers using Amazon Prime overnight shipping, because I was able to use them today to prevent Satan from unleashing his ungodly precipitation! Indeed, it was a warm and beautiful day!


Thursday, March 17, 2016

The dew point is upon us, for it hath sprinkled into the Lord’s House this here earth once again, though late in the evening, giving me enough time to convert more fresh heathen souls!


Friday, March 18, 2016

A doozy of a day it has been! I departed for my afternoon class to find the sky as black as the Indian witch Tituba who cursed the good children of Salem many moons ago! Surely her unholy ghost has returned to seek revenge for, when i was leaving campus, the sky unleashed a thunder louder and more vulgar than the screams of a thousand witches thrown into a pond to float. I must stop these blasphemous storms!


Saturday, March 19, 2016

I journeyed at midnight in search of sustenance at the local Burger King and encountered the ghastly fog of the undead! Surely the fog was an omen because, sure enough, the vile mistress of Satan attending the drive-thru window forgot to include my Frenchman’s fries! I will ask God to smite her. Smite her good!


6:00 pm. The fog was indeed an omen, because the sky has been hideously overcast for hours and it has now began to lightly rain. I will pray for an end to this!


Sunday, March 20, 2016,

Finally, a day without any rain and with clear skies! The Lord hath shown us a tender mercy indeed!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A somewhat brisk day it has been, free from the Sin and Bevilment that I have recorded in previous entries. My writing is working in keeping the Demon of Sinful Precipitation at bay. Let us celebrate by hanging a witch!


Thursday, March 24, 2016

I am beginning to suspect the Lord smites me for arrogantly proclaiming my good fortune in these pages for, just as I had grown arrogant at my ability to fight the devil’s Dew Point, the skies opened once again with a ravenous thunder and a pelting rain! It will drown us all if we do not confess our Sins!


Friday, March 25, 2016

I hath learned my lesson for, though today was a day of clear skies and moderate temperatures, I must be humble and credit the Lord him self for this most agreeable fortune.


Saturday, March 26, 2016

I journeyed to Orange Beach, Alabama, with a heavy heart, for I knew that it would soon rain. It was at that moment that i questioned the life decisions of the high school friend who’s beach wedding I would be attending that day. And, not soon after the wedding began than did the sky surely begin to curse her with its rain! Does she not know about the unpredictability of Satan’s demonic influence on our dew point?


Sunday, March 27, 2016

I have returned to Tuscaloosa, where the sky seems unable to make up its mind about whether it will rain or not. It is dark, just as yesterday in Orange Beach, but the Lord taketh his time in unleashing His Divine Fury!


Monday, March 28, 2016

Little has changed and the sky remains indecisive. I pray for a beautiful day of clear, blue skies to replace this hideous overcast sky!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Lord hath answered my prayer! Excited i am, for he hath brought me a new set of Hotwheelz cars to complete my diagram of New Salem and, additionally, he hath given forth clear skies. What a generous lord we serve!


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I spent an hour with my blessed Hotwheelz, praying over them that they achieve safe passage as they drove across the carpet of my bedroom. I left for class around noon, grateful that the atmospheric pressure remained relatively stable at the temperature was warm, perhaps in the 70s even.


Thursday, March 31, 2016

May the Lord spare us from the howling wind and the merciless rain that has come upon us on this grave day! What did we do to deserve such una mala tormenta?


Friday, April 1, 2016

Armageddon has begun and fire rains from the sky, burning innocent women and children indiscriminately along with the most vile servants of Satan.


Alas, I have April fooled you! The Lord hath blessed me with wit!

Nonetheless, yesterday’s thunderstorm continued throughout the night and i awoke to a sky so dismal that even the wittiest fools of April could not find amusement in it!


Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Lord hath given us the all clear. Indeed, clear skies abound and I can once again continue writing my treatises against witchcraft without fear of a Great Flood washing me away.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

What luck! Another warm day with a beautiful sky free from the gray imprint of Satan’s finger!


Monday, April 4, 2016,

It has been a most magnificent day. Truly, the Lord hath smiled upon us and blessed us once again with a beautiful day and a warm temperature. Let us fast and give thanks!


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Beautiful day with no rain. We are blessed indeed!


Wednesday, April 6, 2016,

The Lord hath turned his back on his flock by issuing vengeful thunderstorms on us this afternoon! I will locate the witches responsible!


Thursday, April 7, 2016

The ghostly fog has returned to torment me this morning! Now it follows me wherever I turn. Tis the phantom of death and I must vanquish it!

Why We Still Can’t Wait: The Harmful Effects of Jerry Seinfeld’s Diversity Comments

In a recent interview, Jerry Seinfeld responded angrily to criticism that his new web series Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, much like his 90’s sit-com, had a noticeable absence of diversity.

—A link to the interview—( Jerry Seinfeld Responds to Criticismjerry seinfeld)

Seinfeld states that “Funny is the world that I live in. You’re funny, I’m interested. You’re not funny, I’m not interested. I have no interest in gender or race or anything like that.”

As he is wont to do, Seinfeld elevates the profession of comedian to something almost divine, an art so high that is beyond the everyday obligations of political correctness or personal responsibility.

His argument, at first glance, seems really reasonable. Upon closer inspection, though, his approach invariably explains his resulting history of diversity problems. Seinfeld is the best judge of what he thinks is funny and, when he jokes with fellow straight white male comedians, there are more shared experiences -marriage jokes, sex jokes, church jokes, whatever- and so, when a joke is told and it is a reflection of an experience that Seinfeld more easily identifies with, it is logical that he will simply get those jokes. He’s invariably less likely to identify with humor derived from the experiences of, I don’t know, someone like Gabourey Sidibe, or perhaps someone like Aziz Ansari. Thus, it is rational that Seinfeld can easily feel that he’s reached an objective conclusion when he deems such comedians unfunny.

Seinfeld’s statement reveals a still more crucial error in judgment.

As with opponents of various diversity programs, Seinfeld seems to misinterpret the purpose of those programs as diversity for the sake of diversity, as something that is forced on predominately white organizations for the sake of making them look good. It’s a common misunderstanding, but it has devastating effects.

Take Saturday Night Live, for example.

Personally, I love the show. Sketch comedy just works. Still, because the show appeals largely to a white heterosexual audience, there have been many times when I’ve had to strain to relate to much of the humor. If a particular sketch relied on heavy references to a mid-1980’s, middle class childhood, I’d just try to recall every Molly Ringwald movie I’ve ever seen and hope for the best.

The problem is not that the show was not funny- people like Kristen Wigg could make a funeral funny. The problem was that the bulk of the show’s humor only appealed to a very narrow range of experiences and, in recent years, people have noticed.

When SNL added Sasheer Zamata to their lineup, the show’s first black female cast member since 2007, SNL immediately expanded their appeal to a group outside of its previous range. Don’t get me wrong, the show’s producers still have much to do to confront their diversity issues, but the impact of this most recent step should not be underestimated.

An ideal comedy sketch show would include various perspectives (both in front of the camera and behind the scenes) who represent multiple perspectives and provide reliable, cross-cultural humor, so that the entire potential audience is included. If someone doesn’t relate to the humor in one sketch then no matter, the diversity of humor provides innumerable other opportunities for them to laugh throughout the show.

This is what Seinfeld misses in his reasoning. I don’t discount his credibility as a comedian, nor do I discount the validity of the critical acclaim given to his 90’s sit-com, Seinfeld. However I am convinced that he betrays his own devotion to the art of comedy by restricting the appeal of his jokes to a narrow audience.

Thanksgiving Mischief

Any story my family tells me about my childhood almost always begins with the prefix “You was so bad!” Not spawn-of-Satan bad, my sisters tell me, rather I was more like my family’s resident Bart Simpson prototype.

I can’t argue with the comparison. My most memorable crimes include running up and down the grocery store aisles, getting banned from the pediatrician’s office for kicking my doctor, and even backing the car into a tree. In my defense, once the car started rolling I did try to stop it by placing my hand flat behind the front left wheel but, like I said, the back of the car got to know one of our trees very well.

Mischief was fun, granted, but it was nonetheless dangerous. It must have been November 1997 when my bad behavior first began to bite me in the behind.

Because my family lived in a one-gas station town, my mother had recently purchased a used car and drove about 20-25 minutes over to the next town for work. One afternoon I was up to my usual mischief—climbing trees in the woods with my sister, Danielle, inciting the roosters and chickens that wandered around our yard. General mayhem.

Our oldest sister, Wendy, was in high school at the time and was in charge of supervising us until our mother got home. Eventually, the party moved into her room.

I was bad, no question, but my being a four (and a half!) year old, pint-sized little curly-haired booger was generally grounds for frequent cooing over by well-meaning adults. Now, if you’ve ever tried to hold a toddler, you’ll understand that said cooing does not register with them as a valid excuse for their being retained.

So as Wendy held me, the baby of the family, in her lap and Danielle continued playing freely, I was determined to get loose. I squirmed and squirmed but, perhaps out of fear that I’d certainly get loose and destroy something in the house, she would not release me. Eventually, though, my protesting must have triggered Wendy’s sympathy and, without warning, she relinquished her grasp. Unfortunately, I hadn’t stopped squirming yet and, once she released her arms, I flew across the room, and, well, the edge of my right eyebrow got to know the wooden storage trunk across from the bed.

Oh, the crying that ensued! Both sisters’ ears must have rang for weeks. The worst part, though, was that our mother had not yet arrived home. We somehow got word that, yes, she had left work but she’d stopped to get her tag for the new car and wouldn’t be home for at least a half hour.

Once Momma did arrive, the subsequent trip to the doctor was a perhaps even more trying ordeal, if not for me than certainly for my Momma.

Now, you must remember, this was the late 90’s, so the medical TV drama ER was at the height of its popularity and my family watched every week. This was my first experience visiting a doctor after hours and, after spending far too many hours watching ER, I was terrified that I’d be forced the spend the night alone in a hospital bed, as I’d seen little kids like myself do on the show.

In reality, the cut I received on my eyebrow only needed a few stitches, but I was nevertheless afraid. I kicked. I squirmed. And boy did I cry.

“MOMMA! MOMMA! DON’T LEAVE ME! MOMMAAAAAA!” If only someone had had the foresight to bring a video camera. Surely we could have gotten some airplay on America’s Funniest Home Videos, another of our favorite shows.

Once I was finally calmed and my stitches were in place, we drove away to the other side of town.

Now that the stitches were in place and the ordeal settled, Momma seemed noticeably more upbeat. I kept hearing her say “I’ve gotta go pick up my turkey,” and I was very confused. For a moment, I was excited by the notion that perhaps we were going to a zoo. I looked over to Danielle, who’s two years older than me, but she just shrugged.

Soon we arrived at the grocery store and things started to make a bit more sense. Momma kept referring to her turkey, so I assumed the grocers must have had a special turkey just for her. I wondered what spectacular feat she must have accomplished to earn such favor.

When we got to the middle aisle in the freezer section that contained the turkeys, I peered down in amazement at all of the birds, each packaged in an ambiguous, dull-colored wrapping.

“Momma, how are you gonna know which turkey’s yours?” I was dumbfounded.

Momma just smiled as she picked up and eyed a turkey. All that night, I marveled at the complexity of grown-up world. I theorized that the grocery store must have kept some sort of database with individual turkey assignments. How Momma managed to find the one designated for her was beyond me. Either way, I still had the impression that there must have been something special about our turkey. Despite the slight throbbing in my head, I couldn’t wait to find out.


Tough Love: An Open Letter to Don Lemon

Dear Don Lemon,

I’d like you to know first off that I’m a longtime fan. I credit you as a catalyst for the black community’s recent shift toward compassion in its perception of gay men. Your success reminds people that a gay black man is not a casualty, and that’s something for which I hope you receive immense recognition.

I fear, though, that your advice to young black men about sagging pants, though well-meant, will harm them.

You see, because I am gay, and because that was always apparent to my peers, I was never recruited into the social cliques that encourage sagging pants, nor was I ever pressured to embody the demonized presentations of black masculinity propagated by mainstream culture. Thus your advice is not lost on me, because I do not place value on those demonized ideals. You can call that a privilege.

The problem, though, is that the intended recipients of your advice are not reachable from your media platform. If they were, though, merely advising them to embody a respectable image would not influence them to do so. They, unlike you and I, have experienced a rewards system among their peers for displaying the acceptable image of black masculinity, just as their female counterparts are rewarded for their demonized femininity. Thus, their culturally validated but skewed perception of what respectable behavior is negates the validity of any advice to alter their behavior. In effect, your advice does not help them.

Instead, such sentiments that will rarely reach the ears of its subjects only validate the outrage of outsiders to the black community who will never contemplate the effects of poorly funded, failing schools,the effects of apathetic teachers who dismiss early on any faith in the intellect of students who speak with a stark dialectical difference, or of the way an impoverished, troubled home life affects a child’s learning.

And therein lies my point: does it not seem more effective to fight to amend the systems in place that nurture delinquency and demoralization in impoverished youth than to merely criticize the products of that system?

I’m a voracious fan of The Simpsons, so much so that I often say there’s an episode to mirror just about every aspect of American life. In episode 199 (“Girly Edition,” Season 9, Episode 21) Lisa explains the role of television, a neglectful father and an indifferent school system in exacerbating Bart’s delinquency, following it by adding that “You can’t create a monster and whine when he steps on a few buildings.”

I am a young man of color who does not have a large, commercial audience. Likewise, I do not have a sizable salary, nor do I have any influence on public opinion. I ask you, a man of color who does, to lend serious consideration to the impact of your messages.

Thank you,
Judah Martin
The University of AlabamaImage


Alabama Reach Offers College Prep for Foster Care Students

Intimately mingled amidst the freshly starched suits and polished cardigans of The University of Alabama’s academic staff, the more than 40 high school students attending Alabama Reach’s graduation ceremony at the Capstone must have felt self-consciously underdressed.

The boys, dressed in their school uniform khakis paired with various patterns of polo’s and button downs, and the girls, a uniform assortment of sun dresses and colorful blouse and denim trouser combinations, comprise a group of foster care and emancipated students determined to defeat incredible odds by attending college.

“Nationally, less than five percent of foster care students graduate college,” said Cynthia Moreland, executive director of the nsoro Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the uplifting of foster care students and sponsor for Alabama Reach.

Through Alabama Reach, a selected group of high school students in foster care participate in a five day pre-collegiate summer program that includes college and ACT preparation and workshops as well as activities like canoeing and laser tag. For the duration of the program, students are assigned a space in a campus dormitory.

On Friday, June 28, the students met with chaperones and their sponsoring UA faculty one final time for the program’s graduation ceremony in Gorgas Library.

For the occasion, the room was transformed into a formal dining space. Round tables covered with white table cloths were assembled in the room’s center, with water-filled champagne glasses, silverware and plates of cheese cake placed strategically atop each. 

Among the diners was Brianna Burton, a rising senior from Opelika County. Sitting quietly next to Moreland, the cresting waves of her soft, chestnut hair subtly discernible though swept back in a tidy bun, she occasionally walked about the room, smiling as she made small talk with the other students she’d come to know over the past week.  

Still, she seemed withdrawn at times, often gazing silently at her plate as the others at her table continued chatting.

“I’ve been in foster care since I was a little girl,” she said. She paused, her eyes staring blankly away, and it seemed as if she were speaking to herself.

“She’s a good student, motivated,” said Norma Tyner, Burton’s life coach in the transitional living program at the Lee County Youth Development Center in Opelika, Ala.

Sitting in a chair just a few feet from Burton’s table, Tyner glanced her way as if to search for more adequate words to express her conviction.

“She just has this kind of positive outlook, I really believe she’ll do well,” she said.

With less than a year left before she ages out of the foster care system, Burton is provided with an apartment by the transitional living program and trained to live independently until at last she finishes high school and must rely solely on her own ability to care for herself.

“I’d been thinking about maybe enrolling at a community college for my first year,” she said. “But I’d really like to come here to UA.”

Now that she has participated in Alabama Reach, her chances of attending college are considerably greater. According to Moreland, Burton and other foster care students are eligible to receive scholarships from the nsoro Foundation.

“It’s important that we all come together to form a seamless network that our students can stand on,” Moreland said. “When students grow up in foster care, their immediate needs like food and clothing are met, but their intellectual and inspirational needs often are not.”

Since Alabama Reach is only in its third year, little data exists to track the program’s success.  Lowell Davis, assistant dean of students for the University, said he finds reason to be optimistic about the students he has encountered.

“I would say I know of at least ten [Alabama Reach students] who have gone on and matriculated into college,” Davis said.

According to Moreland, the nsoro Foundation is currently conducting a longitudinal study to gauge the program’s impact. She too is optimistic about the results. 

“We have a shift in the attitude,” Moreland said. “Kids who thought they weren’t students or that they weren’t smart are now seeing themselves as college material.” 

Birmingham Reporter Discusses Evolution of Media

Image “Today we can communicate live from anywhere in the world; that’s pretty special,” said Sherri Jackson, news anchor for CBS Channel 42 television in Birmingham.

But with great power comes greater responsibility, and that was the premise of her lecture “TV or Not TV: Is that the question? Why Ethics must Cross Platforms for Journalists” on Friday, April 26 in Farah Hall at the University of Alabama.

Jackson was invited to the University of Alabama campus to deliver the 2013 Helen Crow Mills and John Carroll Mills Endowed Lectureship today at 11 a.m. in room 120 Farrah Hall.

A veteran broadcast reporter, Jackson stressed the importance of social media skills to the audience, citing it as an increasingly necessary tool for reaching news consumers.

Jackson said that, because social media is still in its infancy, many journalists make mistakes, often writing posts that are too casual.

“Even when the medium changes one thing doesn’t,” Jackson said. “And that’s the five W’s and H. People rely on us as journalists to deliver information because they know that we, unlike all of the other people posting, go through the process of gathering and verifying the facts.”

Jackson has won several awards over the course of her career like the Stand Up to Cancer Alabama Broadcaster Association’s ABBY 2009, the “Continuing the Dream” RTDNA/UNITY Award 2011 and the 2010 Friend of Children Children’s Advocacy Award from Childcare Resources.

Last Lecture Recipient Discusses Need for Change


Photo courtesy of http://www.ua.edu

With every possible obstacle thrown bluntly at her since birth, it’s one of those rare mysteries of psychological development that Dr. Cassandra Simon grew up to receive a doctorate degree and present the 2013 Last Lecture at the University of Alabama.

For a while, things only seemed to get worse for Simon as she grew up. When she was 9, she said her father was wrongfully incarcerated for murder, a case she described as one “full of intrigue…it’s about sex, drugs and power. “

“[His conviction] is the reason why he is now the executive director of the poverty center in Houston,” she said.

Around the time she was in fifth grade Simon and her family moved into a public housing development when, after integrating a white neighborhood, their house was bombed.

To complicate matters, Simon told the audience that she didn’t seem to have a place with the black kids who lived in her neighborhood either.

With skin the color of the bright, metallic gold buttons on her black, button down blouse, the remnants of white ancestry dominate her appearance, leaving in it but subtle hints of a black heritage. Simon said her peers made it clear she wasn’t one of them.

“Growing up, sometimes I had to fight,” she said. “Some of the reasons I had to fight is because of my light complexion. The kids teased me and called me white girl, and it wasn’t meant as a compliment.”

While it may stump her peers that Simon didn’t fall to drug addiction, prison or prostitution like so many of the other kids from her neighborhood, she has credited her achievements to Abraham Maslow’s theory of self-actualization, defined as the achievement of one’s full potential through creativity, independence, spontaneity and a grasp of the real world.

She said that, while she came to grasp this point, later becoming the first black valedictorian at her all white high school, others in her circumstances, with less favorable outcomes, are not necessarily to blame for their for their condition.

“Some people will just tell you to pull up your boot straps,” Simon explained. “But everybody isn’t given the same quality of boots or the same quality of straps.”

With two brothers suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and another with a personality disorder, Simon thought she would become a psychologist. Instead she pursued social work with an intense commitment to issues of social justice, which she made clear she would be addressing in her lecture.

“I intend to speak the truth about some things,” she warned the audience. “And the truth is what it is.”

Over the next two hours of her lecture, Simon addressed issues of double standards on the UA campus, requesting the audience become aware of injustices around them.

“When I tell you that there are many people on this campus who don’t feel included, I’m telling you the truth, and we need to do something about this” she said.

Between initiating hearty laughs from the audience by way of her casual public speaking style, Simon instructed the audience the way she would instruct her students.

“I want you to question all sources of knowledge,” she requested. “Yes, I want you to question what your momma told you, I want you to question what your daddy told you… what your grandma told you, what your preacher told you, question what your teacher told you and, yes, that includes me.”

Colin Whitworth, a graduate student in communication studies and member of the last lecture selection committee, said Simon’s lecture was remarkably different from those in the past.

“By the nature of the last lecture and award, every lecture is unique and is shaped by who’s delivering it.”

After listening to Simon’s lecture Dr. Utz Mcknight, professor of political science and 2009 last lecture award recipient, described Simon as generous and gifted.

”With this, it is a lecture to the students,” McKnight said. “A lot of people feel it should be something else. I think what all students will take away is that social justice requires the willingness to tell the truth as you see it and to be able to have a conversation about how we should live.”

Rick Bragg Shares Wisdom With JN 101 Students

When I listened to Rick Bragg speaking in my JN 101 class, my immediate thought was to absorb every work because, in regards to writing, his advice is gospel.

Having previously heard a speech from Bragg in Dr. Jennifer Greer’s JN 311 course, I’ll admit that I occasionally flip through the pages of Somebody Told Me, seeking encouragement before I begin writing an article.

But Bragg hasn’t always written stories with such a deep grasp of the human experience, or at least that’s what he said, rather it took a few years of living to learn the interpersonal skills that produced good stories.

Listening to his background provided a spark of hope- when he said he began writing for his college paper, producing boring, cut and dry articles I thought “By God, so did I!”

“In five or ten years, you’ll be a better writer than you are now,” he told us. “And ten years later, you’ll be a better writer than you were then.”

My impression from Bragg’s lecture is that his success is largely the result of being personable. Bragg is a Southerner, something you know immediately upon meeting him. Likewise, when interviewing a Southerner, Bragg leans upon the mannerisms and twangs that a down-home environment gave him.

His tactic is to approach the interviewee as a friend or neighbor, “not as somebody out to take something from them.”

Bragg taught me that, to be a good journalist,

you must first understand human nature.  . Image

Photo courtesy of readinglifeobs.blogspot.com 

Acclaimed Author Speaks to UA Students, Offers Advice

Homer Hickam’s writing style is a healthy blend of journalism and creative writing, which has garnered a great deal of success for the author.

An author of 14 books, Hickam was honored by the University of Alabama College of Communication and Information Sciences as 2013 recipient of the Clarence Cason Award in Nonfiction Writing on March 14 as part of C&IS Journalism DayImage. Later that night, he addressed a group of students and faculty in Reese Phifer, room 216 to offer a bit of wisdom to aspiring writers.   

A native of Coalwood, W.Va., Hickam grew up in an area rich with its own culture. His father, like just about every able-bodied man in the town, worked in the coal industry, and his mother dutifully took the role of coalminer’s wife.

“The thing about West Virginia, people there tend to tell stories. They love to tell stories,” Hickam said. “After supper [my parents] would sit there and tell stories.”

The experience of growing up in Coalwood led Hickam to publish four memoirs about his time there, including Rocket Boys, which was made into a major motion picture, October Sky, in 1999.

He told the audience in Reese Phifer that the best way to become a good writer was really quite obvious; a writer must be an avid reader.

 During his speech he made several allusions to fellow writer Rick Bragg, who was also present in the audience, and credited his descriptive writing style as an important educational resource for him.

I approached Hickam after class, wondering how I should get started if I too wanted to someday publish a book. The advice he gave me was simple- start writing now.

“You may be working one job when you graduate,” he told me. “So when you get off work and come home, that’s when you write. That’s what I did when I was working as an engineer”